The embryo illustrations and fetus illustrations in the video above reveal fetal development beginning at 6 weeks of gestational age and progressing through each week, with summary text, until the final 40th week of pregnancy. At each week vital information about development is offered, along with a comparatively sized vegetable or fruit, to mark the size of the growing baby.

Here are just a few of the medical illustrations I've prepared for clients. Feel free to contact me with any questions about the illustrations or about pricing.

Although I am an illustrator, I am still always looking for beautifully prepared animations and illustrations. This one is an evocative display of cell division. If you didn't already have a sense of the dramatic life of a cell, you will after watching this:

Anatomy of Wood Hardwoods like maple, as opposed to softwoods, naturally produce a wide array of incredible patterns and details, This complexity makes wood identification a difficult puzzle at times. Typically, the family of wood can be identified, but not always the species. Details are noted in a sequence most likely to simply the identification […]