Muscles of male figure, hanging from a rope

What is a Medical Illustrator? About the Career of Medical Illustration

About the Career

What do Medical Illustrators Do?

Written by Laura Maaske, MSc.BMC, Medical Illustrator & Medical Animator

While it comes as a surprise to medical illustrators, it is very common when I mention the work I do to be asked, “So, what is a medical illustrator, exactly?”


What is a Medical Illustrator?

Medical illustration, or biomedical visualization, is the practice of biomedical communication, specializing in visual representations of aspects of medicine and science. Common forms of expression include digital art, physical modeling, 2d animation, 3d animation and app development, among others. Biomedical illustrators are able to utilize their strong drawing skills together with their background biology, botany, zoology and other sciences. Medical illustrators draw a wide range of subjects from surgery to human and veterinary anatomy; animal life and plant life; chemical, molecular, and atomic structuress, and geologic and planetary formations.

While “medical illustrator” and “medical illustration” are the most commonly used terms to describe the nature of the work, there are many other terms which have been used to describe the field, including but not limited to, “biomedical illustration”, “biological illustration”, “medical art”, and “biomedical visualization”.

Medical visualizers work in various fields from textbook illustration, medical publishing, medical legal exhibit preparation, pharmaceutical illustration, medical training materials, advertising illustration, health promotion illustration or animation, and surgical illustration. Medical illustrators typically have earned an undergraduate degree in some field of art or science, and subsequently earn a graduate degree specializing further in the field of biomedical visualization. The graduate work consists of medical school coursework or its equivalent, as well as hands-on instruction from professors and colleagues in the field or in adjacent fields of study. Frequently summers are spent enrolled in internships or in research study for the Master’s degree.

Biimedical illustrations are used for various media; conference slide presentations, pharmaceutical animations, medical and scientific publications, exhibits, web, print materials for textbooks and journals.



Advanced knowledge and proficiency Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat. Working knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite, Dreamweaver and Flash. Basic programming knowledge in HTML, HTML5 and Javascript. Capability to animate in Adobe Animate, HTML5, or other similar software.


The Primary Organization Representing Medical Illustrators in the U.S.

The Association of Medical Illustrators, AMI, was instituted to maintain the standards for training in medical illustration and to provide ethical guidelines for practice:

AMI Headquarters
1819 Peachtree Street, N.E., Suite 620
Atlanta, Georgia 30309 U.S.A.
(404) 350-7900, Fax: (404) 351-3348

The AMI holds an annual conference. Amanda Montanez wrote a great reviw of it.


Other Organizations for Medical Illustrators

Institute of Medical Illustration UK

Medical Artist’s Association of Great Britain (MAA):

Association Européenne des Illustrateurs Médicaux et Scientifiques (AEIMS):



A few links to begin exploring

  1. Association of Medical Illustrators Question and Answer Page .
  2. The question about how e-books can be making use of medical illustrations dynamically.
  3. What it’s like as a medical illustrator
  4. Med Monthly’s article about medical illustration
  5. A personal perspective
  6. Wikipedia’s article on medical illustration
  7. Leonardo DaVinci’s Anatomical Drawings
  8. Wikipedia’s Frank Netter article
  9. Wikipedia’s Max Brodel article
  10. Wikipedia’s Andreas Vesalius article
  11. Eila Hopper Ross article

Read more about the career of medical illustration here.

Graduate Programs

Annie Campbell has created a beautiful video about the medical illustration programs:



Many illustrators go on to earn Master’s degrees in biomedical visualization or biomedical communication. There are programs in North America that provide Master’s degrees in medical illustration. The programs listed below are accredited by the AMI.

    • University of Toronto
      Division of Biomedical Communications
      Located on two campuses at the University of Toronto:U of T Mississauga Campus
      Room 308, Terrence Donnelly Health Sciences Complex
      3359 Mississauga Road North
      Mississauga, ON Canada L5L 1C6
      Phone: 905-569-4849
      Fax: 905-569-4847
      U of T St. George Campus
      Room 75, Fitzgerald Building
      150 College Street
      Toronto ON Canada M5S 3E2
      Phone: 416-978-2659 Email



    • University of Chicago
      Department of Biomedical Visualization
      College of Associated Health Professions
      University of Illinois at Chicago
      1919 W. Taylor Street, Room 213, M/C 527
      Chicago, Illinois 60612
      Tel: (312) 996-4975
      Fax: (312) 996-8342
      (312) 996-7337  Email






Art in Science at Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, England, UK…



Medical Art at University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland, UK…

Medical Visualization and Human Anatomy at Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, Scotland, UK…



Master in Scientific Illustration at Maastricht Academy of Fine Arts, Maastricht, The Netherlands…



Scientific Visualization at Zurich University of the Arts, Zurich, Switzerland



Design d’Illustration Scientifique at École Supérieure Estienne des Arts Graphiques, Paris, France…



What is a typical Medical Illustration Job like?

Upon graduation, Medical illustrators have the option to freelance, to work for an organization, to work at a university, or to seek employment in companies specializing in animation or illustration. A typical position might require a list of skills such as these:


Artistic Skills
• Visually reprent complex biomedical information in a visually communicative manner to demonstrate scientific research, surgical procedures, dental procedures, medical concepts, scientific theories, and related insights.
• Prepare original and creative visuals for journals, print materials, presentations, exhibits and web.
• Can work comfortably with both traditional and digital media.
• In‐depth knowledge of best practices within the medical and scientific illustration fields with continuing knowledge of innovations and trends within the field.
Scientific Skills
• Understand human anatomy and a general anatomical understanding of plants and animals. Have a basic understanding of embryology, histology, pathology, and chemistry. Be capable of conducting independent research. Have an awareness specialized medical terms. Know scientific nomenclature, and have a background scientific theories.
• Able to generate original material through research and innovation to coincide with specific project goals.
General Professional Skills
• Excellent communication and team relationship skills.
• Capable of art direction and ability to oversee a wide number of biomedical illustration projects at once.
• Proficient at working on multiple projects of varying deadlines, budgets, levels of complexity, and other visual goals.
• Exhibits project management skills and the ability to achieve internally and externally imposed deadlines.
• Willingness to assist, as needed, to support other departments and teams involved in projects at hand.
Additional beneficial Skills
• Web design, graphic design, branding, prepress printing.


Biomedical Illustrators must have both a demonstrated artistic ability and a detailed knowledge of living organisms, surgical and medical procedures, and human and animal anatomy.
• Bachelor’s Degree in art or sciences + five years of experience in medical or scientific illustration OR.
• Master’s Degree in medical illustration from an accredited program + three years of work experience


For More Information…

For artistic tips on how to draw a good medical illustration, please visit my tips page.


September 25, 2018


Laura Maaske, MSc.BMC.

Biomedical Communicator

Medical Illustrator

Medical Animator

Health App Designer

Medimagery Medical Illustration

Laura Maaske – Medimagery LLC
Medical Illustration & Design


Medical Illustrator; science and art lover.