Another Artist Seeking Patterns in Nature?

Louie Schwartzberg is an filming artist who captures patterns. Because I spend time in nature, photographing the patterns

A Momentary Break from Medical Illustration

“Beauty and seduction
are natures tools of survival.”
-Louie Schwartzberg

Written by Laura Maaske, MSc.BMC, Medical Illustrator & Medical Animator


Louie Schwartzberg is an filming artist who captures patterns. Because I spend time in nature, photographing the patterns I see, I have loved his high and slow-motion time-lapse photography, and his vision. He says he learned to create it when he was young, patiently working for an entire month to make each four-minute film of flowers as they bloomed.

A little bit more about his personal perspective:

This recent focus on patterns has turned his work into a more philosophical direction and returned him to his first love of film-making. But Louie Schwartzberg’s award-winning career work reaches broadly. He’s worked on projects for films and television programs such as Crash, E.T., Men in Black, Sex and the City, The Bourne Ultimatum, Syriana, and American Beauty. He directed Disney’s America’s Heart and Soul.

And how bees see the invisible:

More recently, he produced Wings of Life, a documentary feature for Disneynature, and narrated by Meryl Streep. Watch the film trailer below and you will see a delicate interaction between flowers and pollinators. 

Enjoy your nature.

“If you do nothing else,
cultivate your response to nature”

November 10, 2013

Laura Maaske, MSc.BMC, Medical Illustrator & Medical Animator| e-Textbook Design

Laura Maaske – Medimagery LLC
Medical Illustration & Design


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About Laura

Medical Illustrator; science and art lover.