Fractal as Pattern-teacher

And yet relation appears, A small relation expanding like the shade Of a cloud on sand, a shape

And yet relation appears,
A small relation expanding like the shade
Of a cloud on sand, a shape on the side of a hill.
-Wallace Stevens, “Connoisseur of Chaos”

Cracks as fractals?What are your favorite fractals? For me, simply to list my favorite fractals together, knowing they all share something in common, is a great pleasure… Lightening and neural networks both follow fractal patterns. Then there is the vascular system branching, tissues, clouds, trabecular branching patterns within bone structure, distribution of arthropod body lengths, distribution of human digit to finger to hand to arm lengths, mammographic parenchymal pattern (revealiing risk for breast cancer), snowflakes, seashells, lungs, cracks, spiral arms of galaxies, the folds of the brain and the encoding of thoughts, facial dimensions, tree and leaf branching, the coastline of Britain, growth rates of plants, structure of mountain ranges, DNA folding, quarks, atoms, and the fingers and arms of the sun.

Jhane Barnes is a textile artist, using fractals to design fabric patterns:

From Jackson Pollock to lightning to Russian nesting dolls, I’m looking for connections there, too. What are your observations? What strikes you about them? If you find them beautiful, what makes them so?

Laura Maaske, January 7, 2011
Medical ANimator and Illustrator
Medical Illustration & Design!/Medimagery
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About Laura

Medical Illustrator; science and art lover.

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