Poem about Distance
Now, I will let go something.
I will allow mist.
Sometimes, explaining offers clarity,
and it works well.
Other times, it destroys
the delicate web of threads.
Allow me the mist, too.
Allow that who I was and
what I was offering
were not so clear,
but the draw was maybe real.
If there was a time you were holding on,
I am grateful to you
that you maybe saw something
worth reaching to.
I want to be clear
of all the misunderstandings,
to be free.
I want the silence to pull
to the source of things
to find the truth there.
I learned that this is possible,
that there is a place this deep,
from reaching to you,
and not quite arriving.
-Laura Maaske
August 31, 2013
Laura Maaske, MSc.BMC.
Biomedical Communicator
Medical Illustrator
Medical Animator
Health App Designer