Medical illustration, or biomedical visualization, is the practice of biomedical communication, specializing in visual representations of aspects of medicine and science. Common forms of expression include digital art, physical modeling, 2d animation, 3d animation and app development, among others. Biomedical illustrators are able to utilize their strong drawing skills together with their background biology, botany, zoology and other sciences. Medical illustrators draw a wide range of subjects from surgery to human and veterinary anatomy; animal life and plant life; chemical, molecular, and atomic structuress, and geologic and planetary formations.

With over 17,000 health and medical apps available in iTunes, and with an average price at around $2.00, iTunes ?Health? and ?Medical? categories are two of the fastest growing sectors of app development. There are health games that offer, for example, quizzes to assess calorie content of various foods. There are GPS apps, order tracking apps, weight management apps, pedometers, diabetes regulating apps, and calorie counting apps, just to name a few. These apps might be associated with push notifications that offer users reminders to take meds or other health interactions.