
Illustrated Human Skeleton

This is a medical illustration drawing of the human skeleton. The human skeleton has two major components: the axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton. The axial skeleton creates the upright stature of the human body, transmitting weight to the other regions of the body. It includes the vertebral column, the rib cage and sternum, and the skull. The appendicular skeleton includes the pelvis, the arms, and the legs. Its function is to protect the organs and to support movement of the body.

Hippocampus Brain medical illustration. Brain Sagittal Section with label and sulci gyri Anatomy Medical illustration. Copyrighted Material Illustrated  by Laura Maaske Medical Illustrator

Brain Anatomy & Illustration | Metaphors in Medicine

The hippocampus is to your brain just as the keyboard is to the computer’s hard drive. The hippocampus is not where your memories are stored. But you depend on it to store memories.