With over 17,000 health and medical apps available in iTunes, and with an average price at around $2.00, iTunes ?Health? and ?Medical? categories are two of the fastest growing sectors of app development. There are health games that offer, for example, quizzes to assess calorie content of various foods. There are GPS apps, order tracking apps, weight management apps, pedometers, diabetes regulating apps, and calorie counting apps, just to name a few. These apps might be associated with push notifications that offer users reminders to take meds or other health interactions.
The Opponent-process Theory: about Opposites and Mu
In the neural firing of our eyes, there is a duality rather a trichromy in the interpretation of color. Ewald Hering described theĀ opponent-process theory to explain this. Neurons that fire in response to a red object will, in their sudden absence, create the illusion of having seen green; and vice versa. Neurons that fire in response to blue will see yellow in the sudden absence of blue. Neurons that fire in response to black stimulus, in their sudden absence, perceive white. Opponent-process is also anĀ emotions theory. Emotions come in pairs.
When Less is More? Lighting a Scene
There is, specifically, magic in an image, maybe in any image if the viewer looks the right way.
It comes (for lack of my ability to express it more clearly) from the ability of the image to hold an entire thing close: a small universe with laws that work together, all at once to reveal a piece of truth.
Around a Moon: Moon Profiling
Watching the July 4 fireworks, there seemed a whole life revolving around the lone moon: not so circular and isolated after all.
Medical Illustration of the Eye: Cataracts and their History through Art
Cataracts are generally defined as breakdown of the lens microarchitecture. Normally in vision, light passes through the lens of the eye so that the image can be projected clearly on the retina. This image is then interpreted as a neural signal. If the lens is unclear, which is a condition called a cataract, the image projected on the retina will be cloudy or blurred. With a cataract, some even, perhaps a DNA mutation, causes opacity of the crystalline lens. It may be there isa structure change accompanied by changs inin lens protein constituents. The opacity or cloudiness means that the refractive index of the lens varies significantly over distances approximating the wavelength of the transmitted light.